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Category: Plants

Decorative indoor spurge

Euphorbia is an indoor flower representing the Euphorbia plant family. It is becoming more and more popular in Russia. Its Latin name is Euphorbia. Milkweed is native to the tropics and subtropics. In the wild, it grows in America (South and Central), Africa, the Canary Islands...

Overview of the pear variety Beauty Chernenko (or Russian Beauty)

The variety "Beauty Chernenko" has a second name, it is often called "Russian Beauty". In both versions, the main difference of the plant is noted - the beauty of the fruit. The taste of pears is consistent with their appearance. We learn what are the features of growing this heat-loving variety, and under what conditions...

Hydrangea large-leaved Alpengluchen - detailed description

The perennial hydrangea Alpengluchen, originally from Japan, southern China, is one of the most beautiful varieties, which is distinguished by its bright inflorescences and long flowering. Consider the main characteristic of the variety, the rules of cultivation and care. General description Botanical name - hydrangea...

40 best apricot varieties

The range of apricot varieties is so great that inexperienced gardeners can get confused in this variety. But the degree of productivity directly depends on the right choice of variety. The best apricot varieties with characteristics, territorial and temperature preferences - further. Early ripe varieties...

Features of growing green radish in the open ground

Green radish (or Margelan) came to Russia from the East - merchants from China brought it through the city of Margilan in Uzbekistan. This root crop was so popular with the locals that they began to breed it in their gardens. Green radish is an affordable and easy-to-care food crop....

Hydrangea Great Star - care features

The large-flowered panicle hydrangea Great Star belongs to the Hortensia family. The homeland of growth is East Asia. The plant is long-lived with good winter hardiness, intensive growth, suitable for cultivation in all regions of our country. Consider the main characteristic of the variety, the rules...

Euphorbia Crested (Ribbed) - how to grow at home

Tropical Euphorbia has won the hearts of many flower growers. This evergreen plant with an unusual ribbed trunk is a real decoration for any interior. Consider what a flower looks like and how to properly care for it at home. Euphorbia Crested (Ribbed) - how to grow...

Clematis mountain Rubens - planting and care rules

Perennial mountain clematis Rubens, originally from countries with subtropical and temperate climates, has won the hearts of many flower growers. This is one of the best varieties of the Montana group among tall perennials. Consider what the vine looks like, how to plant it correctly and what kind of care it needs after that. Clematis...

Features of root pruning in orchids

Pruning the roots of an orchid is an important part of plant care. But you need to cut the roots correctly and in a timely manner. Otherwise, there is a risk of irreparable harm to the phalaenopsis, which can subsequently lead to the death of the flower. Orchid root pruning When and why...